Anjdiv Fort in Goa – A Fort in Ruins

hidden forts of goa
April 20, 2023

Location of Anjdiv Fort in Goa:  South Goa

Where:  Anjadip Island, Goa-Karnataka Border

Best Time to Visit:  Any time of the year

How to Reach:  Fort Anjediva and the island are located 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) south of Baticala, Karwar. Karwar is on National Highway NH 17. From Karwar, a 2-kilometre (1.2 mi) causeway leads to the Officers Gate (Sea Bird gate), and then on to the historic fort. It is also approachable by boat ride from the Binga beach, Karwar

About: Located on the border of Goa and Karnataka, Anjdiv Fort is yet another masterpiece of Goa. Built in 1505 AD by the Portuguese, the fort is also known as Anjediva and Anjadiva. Sprawling over an area of 1.5 sq km, the fort is synonymous with grandeur and magnificence.

History of Anjadiv Island: The Portuguese traveler Vasco da Gama visited this island in 1498, and later in 1502. The island was strategically important as a major defence post for the Portuguese, and served as a watering port for Greek, Arab, Egyptian and Portuguese merchant ships in later years.

Browse our entire list of places to visit in Goa with all the other information!

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