Kakolem Beach in South Goa

unexplored beaches of goa
April 4, 2023

Location of Kakolem Beach in Goa:  Canacona, South Goa

Where:  7 km South of Cabo De Rama, Canacona, South Goa

Best Time to Visit:  Between November and March

How to Reach Kakolem Beach in Goa:  The only way to reach is through NH 66 highway towards the Cola Village. There is a small path that takes you to a platform wherein you will come across some winding stairs that will take you to the beach.

About: Also known as Tiger Beach, this tiny yet one of the hidden beaches in Goa is a little hard to find. But once you’re here, you’ll find your efforts were certainly worth it. One of the most picturesque hidden places in Goa, the beach is completely deserted and clean since it doesn’t receive many visitors. You can either get there through the NH 66 while driving towards Cola Village, or via a boat.

Browse our entire list of places to visit in Goa with all the other information!

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