Querim Beach or Keri Beach in Goa

less crowded beach in north goa
April 18, 2023

Location of Keri Beach in Goa:  Pernem, North Goa

Best Time to Visit:  Between November and March

How to Reach Keri Beach in Goa:  Keri beach is at a distance of around 50 km from Panjim or Panaji, Goa’s capital. It takes around 1 hour 30 minutes to reach by road.

About: The beach is usually overlooked due to the absence of tourists. This is why it makes up for one of the most awesome Goa secret beaches. The beach is adorned with white sand, attractive beach shacks, deep water with ferociously lapping waves, and the handsome Tiracol Fort. There’s also scope for activities like paragliding, which makes it an ideal place for a family picnic. When here, one can also witness the Tiracol river flowing in and blending into the Arabian Sea, a sight too pretty to miss.

Browse our entire list of places to visit in Goa with all the other information!

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