St Cajetan Church in Goa

most popular churches of goa
April 18, 2023

Location of St Cajetan Church in Goa:  Old Goa

Best Time to Visit:  Any time of the year

How to Reach:  By rail, it is 27 kms away from Vasco Da Gama railway station.By roadways, it is 10 km from Panji’s, Kadamba bus station.

About St Cajetan Church in Goa: 

Named as The Church of Our Lady of Divine Providence this brilliant church flaunts amazing architecture. The designs of this church resemble the designs of the renowned Basilica of St. Peter in Rome. This church of Goa is not worth a miss.

Cajetan at is the only surviving domed church in Goa. Undisputedly one of the most beautiful churches in Goa, this gracious old building stands in Old Goa, northeast of the Se Cathedral.

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